Funeral Director Training
- Run by award-winning funeral directors Green Fuse in a real funeral home.
- The only courses you can attend to get knowledge and experience without already working in the funeral sector.
- The tutors, from different parts of the funeral sector, have a wealth and knowledge, experience and skills which they freely share with you.
- User friendly learning environment in small groups, using discussion and practical work. Comprehensive and usable manuals to take away.
- A modern approach to funerals – keep up to date with changing trends.
- Green Fuse’s funeral training courses, have inspired many and helped around 35 new funeral directing companies and other funeral enterprises with the knowledge they need to get started.
“a really big thank you for all your valuable tuition and insight into the world of funeral directing. It is probably the most fascinating input I’ve ever had and definitely given me lots of inspiration and motivation to pursue it further. To such an extent, in fact Dave and I have started to look at potential business premises.” Hannah Vaughan April 2018
Modern Funeral Arranging
Care & Management of the Body
Managing the Funeral Process
Starting Your Own Funeral Business
Staying ahead of changing trends in Funerals
Grief and Bereavement
Funeral Conducting
Course Dates
How to book
This ground-breaking and practical funeral training programme is for you if you want to:
- attain best practice in modern funeral service;
- respond effectively to changing trends and challenges in funeral work;
- keep your company at the leading edge of customer service and trends;
- find work in the funeral sector;
- set up your own funeral company.
Green Fuse’s funeral director training courses have inspired many and helped around 15 new funeral directing companies and other funeral enterprises with the knowledge they need to get started. Jenny came from Australia for the training and has now had a mainstream TV documentary made about her work within her community. She wrote “I really want you to know that the time I spent learning from you continues to inspire me and I would love you to see the film. See the trailer here:
Experienced funeral director Alan James wrote:
“I believe that I have benefited greatly and I have reviewed significantly the way that I carry out funerals in light of the course.” Alan James: Manager, John Edwards Funeral Directors
Come and join us
You can book a course by completing the application form in the prospectus, or email or phone us and we’ll send you one. Full Booking Information.
Download the Best Practice in Modern Funeral Directing brochure
Please contact us on or or via our enquiry form without obligation.
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