Hugh Milsom

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Celebrant Category: Funeral Celebrant

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  • The death of a loved one is a tragic event – those left behind may well feel devastated and grief-stricken at their loss. There is a bewildering array of arrangements to be made and important decisions to take. This is where a sympathetic and experienced Funeral Celebrant can help …

    Funerals provide an opportunity to express publicly held beliefs about the meaning of life and death. Many aspects of the funeral ceremony come down to personal choice with the opportunity for families to take an active role in choosing the music and readings and telling the story of the person who has died. The primary task of the Funeral Celebrant is to assist families in creating such a funeral.

    As a Celebrant I work with the family and friends to plan and conduct a funeral ceremony that faithfully reflects the beliefs, ideology and true character of the deceased. Because of my training, my experience and my pastoral skills I am able to offer gentle advice about suitable words and music as well as provide support for any spiritual and/or religious aspects of the funeral should they be required.