Mike Grenville

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Celebrant Category: Funeral Celebrant

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  • As a member of the Home Funeral Network Mike supports families to have the funeral in whatever form they would like. For example family funerals with the body present at home. A funeral can also involve a whole community and take place in a wide variety of venues. Although they can be inflexible and time limited, the Crematorium may also be appropriate.

    Planning a funeral or memorial can involve a lot of details and choices. Together with his partner Celia (also a Soul Midwife), can offer help manage the whole event including catering through Cafemmm.

    Mike is open to expressions of spirituality from a wide variety of sources and able to hold the space for those without. A teacher of Transcendental Meditation for over forty years, Mike knows that as well as words and music, silence and presence deepen a meaningful ceremony.

    Trained with Green Fuse as an Independent Celebrant Mike’s training also includes Soul Midwifery and as an End-of-Life Doula with Living Well Dying Well and can support the person and family through the end of life transition when someone dies.

  • Testimonials:

    "I want to say how grateful I am to you for the way you are managing this process. As soon as we met you we all breathed a big sigh of relief."

    "We really appreciated your lack of ego in the service. You led well and very authentically and were always present and holding the space but in an understated way. We really liked that! And your support and diplomacy in the planning was invaluable. We are so grateful. We made the right choice on so many counts."

    "I just wanted to say how calmly and sensitively you tied together all the different speakers/readers/music in the service and how powerful and beautiful were the words you said at the committal.
    Thank you for all your calm and tactful help in putting it all together with us, and also for doing the Order of Service, which looked perfect."

    "My dad's funeral went splendidly. Mike Grenville, the celebrant was amazing and held me through it all down to the minutest detail. It was a wonderful ceremony."

    "Thank you so much for what you did at the funeral. It all went very well, and the family all felt very supported by you. "